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Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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(5) Specimen proposal form of ICICI Lombard   (6) Policy wording individual overseas travel insurance (Tata AIG)*
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General/ Health Insurance Companies Products
   8- Policy wording overseas travel insurance (ICICI Lombard)
Benefits (expressed in percentage of Sum Insured)
  1. Death 100
  2. Loss or Inability to function of
  1. An arm at the shoulder joint 70
  2. An arm to a point above the elbow joint 65
  3. An arm below the elbow joint 60
  4. A hand at the wrist 55
  5. A thumb 20
  6. An index finger 10
  7. Any other finger 5
  8. A leg above the center of the femur 70
  9. A leg up to a joint below the femur 65
  10. A leg to a point below the knee 50
  11. A leg up to the center of the tibia 45
  12. A foot at the ankle 40
  13. A big toe 5
  14. Some other toe 2
  15. An eye 50
  16. Hearing in one ear 30
  17. Sense of smell 10
  18. Sense of taste 5
What it does not cover?
The Company shall not be liable to make any payment under this benefit in connection with or in respect of any expenses whatsoever incurred by the Insured in connection with or in respect of :
  1. Accidents due to mental disorders or disturbances of consciousness, strokes, fits or convulsions which affect the entire body and pathological disturbances caused by the mental reaction to the same.
  2. Damage to health caused by curative measures, radiation, infection, poisoning except where these arise from an accident.
  3. Any payment under this Benefit whereby the Company's liability would exceed the sum payable in the event of death.
  4. Any other claim after a claim for death has been admitted by the Company and becomes payable.
  5. Any claim which arises out of an accident connected with the operation of an aircraft or which occurs during parachuting except when the Insured is flying as a passenger on a multi engine,commercial aircraft.
  6. Any claim arising out of an accident related to pregnancy or childbirth, venereal disease or infirmity.
  7. Any exclusion mentioned in the 'General Exclusions' section of this Policy.
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